Linda Hollis

Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Geropsychologist (MAPS, CClin)
DPsych (Clin & Clin Gero), BPsychSc (Hons)

Advanced Certified Schema Therapist

I am a Board approved supervisor and have experience supervising Clinical
Registrars and Post-Graduate Provisional Psychologists (including University of
Queensland, James Cook University, University of New England, and University of
Southern Queensland). I have also assisted as a secondary supervisor for
Provisional Psychologists working towards full registration via other pathways.
I work with adults, older adults and couples. I have experience with a range of
therapy approaches, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and The Gottman Method.
I am most passionate about working with clients who have found that long-standing
maintaining factors have not shifted with their treatments to date, including complex
trauma and personality challenges. This extends to my particular interest also in
couple therapy, often an essential inclusion in treatment for some clients. As such, a
primary focus of my approach is Schema Therapy (for both individuals and couples).
I am an Advanced Certified Schema Therapist.

My approach with my supervisees is, I hope, what I bring in my approach with my
clients. That is, a calm, compassionate, non-judgmental and supportive space. It is
my hope to not only assist supervisees to work towards best outcomes for clients
and enhance clinical skills with assessment, formulation and treatment, but to
support them also to engage in the most beneficial self-reflection for their career
journey, whatever stage of their career.

I love the roles of Psychologist and Supervisor and sharing the passion and interest
of the wonderful role that we have chosen to take on. I would be so pleased to
receive any enquiries to discuss further whether I might be the right fit for you.